lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016


Place is the physical and human characteristics of a location. The word place has 5 themes: location, place, movements, regions and human environment interaction.

 The location of a place isn't according to the latitude and longitude. The place is when's they is/are cities, towns, rivers, landforms, etc. The human environment interaction is when humans interact positively and negatively with the environment. Movement is when people move from place to place. And regions is when a climate is in a city. That's the 5 themes of the definition of the word place

Here is an example of a place. Paris and London.


Page 2

When you go to a city or a town or whatever you are in a place.
Like for example in the picture of page 1.

The places have different sices like for example when a city is bigger than other city.

In the pictures that I show, London is bigger than Paris.

There are different tipes of places like cities, towns, etc.

Page 3

I think that this topic of my project was good because I know what is the definition of place and also I learn that also when you are in a forest or something like that you are in a place 

This project I liked because I knew something else about the geography world in the school 

Luis César García Aceves.                                       7B

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