lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016



In this article you will find important aspects of the climate such as: what is climate, climatic change, types of climate,etc.

"What Is Climate"
"Climate is the statics of weather" that can be determined by satellites or other type of instruments.
"Types Of Climate"
There are different types of climate for example: tropical, arid, polar, subarid,etc. "Originaly climes were defined in Ancient Greece to describe the weather"
"Climatic Change"
"Climate change is the change of statical distribution in the weather patterns". The climate change is the transition from a climate to another that is caused by human's actions or natural effects.
"How does the climate affect the environment?"
The changing climates will affect our environments in many ways like for example natural disasters as: huracanes, and severe waves. This will be a big problem for all the world because it will affect the vegetation, animals, and persons of all the regions in the world and could finish with our biodiversity.
"The effect of climate change in human's health"
The climatic change in the earth is affecting constantly the human health because when the climate start to change most of the humans have negative consequences such as: diseases or in extrme causes they can die. But at the same time it's our fault because we are making an amazing quantity of pollution and that is what it is also causing the climate change. So in the future this will be a huge problem that will affect our lifes.
"How does climate change affect the anumals"
Because of the climate change many species are in danger becuse it change the conditions of their environment making them having troubles to adapt to their environment. This also affect us because most of the things we consume and use come from the animals and if thet get extinct we are also going to have troubles to adapt to a new environment without the animals.
"Forms to prevent the climatic change in our world"
They exist many things we can do to prevent the climatic change abd as an example I am going to use the three r's (reduce, reuse, and recycle) this will help to reduce the amount of pollution in our comunities and will be a big help with our planet, also we can avoid the uses of most of the plastic things and use only the necesary resources from the nature because one of this days they could be gone.
"Conclution about my investigation"
As a conclution this oroject help me to understand the situation of our world and that if we do not take actions of it we would face very digicult problems in our lifes but also it make me understand that we are in time to take actions and that with a litle action we can make a big change in the world.
"Bibliographic References"

Made By: Sophia Sherezada Campos Perez
Grade And Group : 7th A

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