martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

What is location ?
Location is the exact description of where something is located. Every place on the Earth has an specific location, we use maps to find specific locations they are different types of maps that show different things.

For example, when you drive of one place to another, it means that you already are in a different location. It exist many types of things that helps you to arrive to another place for example a map, a GPS and many other things.

Types of things that help you to guide?

What is a map ?
A map is like a big type of a paper and it has all the continents with the way to arrive to anotplace. For example: you are in California and you want to go to Florida and you don't know so you can buy a map for guide you.

What is a GPS ?
The word GPS means Global Positioning System and are satellites that circle the earth and shows you any place were someone or something is located or ubicated.

What is a compass?
Is an navigation tool that shows you the north, south, east and west. The compass most use it in the navigation because the maps can not helps you too much, the same with the GPS.

That are some tools that you can use to know were are you located ore to know how to arrive to another place and the tool that you can use for the navigation.

This are some types of location:

What is an absolute location?
An absolute location is its exact place on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude. For example, the Empire State Building is located at 40.7degrees north (longitude), 74 degrees west (latitude).

What is an geographical location?
Geographical location refers to a specific physical point on the Earth. This is more specific than "area" or "place," defined by a set of latitude and longitude coordinates.

So, that are some types of location, there exist more but I want to put that ones.


I liked the topic but is a simple topic, I will like to have another topic like what happens if the planet stop to rotate and that is so interesting for me and for other people.

And finally, this was my presentation I hope you enjoy it and also I hope that help you to find the thing that you was searching for. This project was made by :"Valeria Sanchez" of 7 grade.

1 comentario:

  1. Very well, I understand the topic, I think that you can do it a little bit more longer and put a little bit of more information it is only a suggestion so it can be better, it was good your blog
