lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016



Navigation is a field of study that specializes in monitoring and controlling the movement of ships or any vehicle from one place to another.
Navigation has four categories:

marine navigation

aeronautic navigation

land navigation

satellite navigation

Marine navigation

What is the marine navigation?

  The marine navigation is driving a boat from a place to another succesfully and with responsability. the navigation can be over the surface or underwater. 

What are the tools used?

  These are some examples,
  •  The compass, is used for finding a direction.
  •  The chip lock, was used as a speedometer.
  •  The celestial navigation, its a way using stars and planets to find the       location.
  •  The maps, are used to find locations.
  •  The radar, is used to determine the distance of a ship from the land,       other ships or any floating object in the sea. 

Aeronautic navigation

What is aeronautic navigation?

Is piloting an aircraft from a place to place without getting lost, it incluedes the process of planing, recording, and controlling it.

What are the tools used?

These are some examples, 
  •  The alimeter, it shows the aircraft altitude above sea level.
  •  The airspeed indicator, shows teh aircraft speed.
  •  The vertical speed indicator,senses changing air pressure.
  •  The magnetic compass, shows the aircraft's heading relative to magnetic  north.
  •  The attitude indicator, shows the aircrafts relation to the horizon 

Land navigation

What is land navigation?

Land navigation is the art or science of searching a specific location in a vehicle or any people.

What are the tools used?

These are some examples,
  •  The compass,is used for finding a directions.
  •  The GPS,  it gives the location.

Space navigation

What is the satellite navigation? 

Space navigation is a system that uses satellites to provide positions, they determine the location  (longitude, latitude and elevetion).

What are the tools used?

These are some examples,
  • The GPS,it gives the location.

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