martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Geographical Features

Maria Jose Tovalin Aceves. 7A.  Monday,17th October 2016
                                                                                                                 Geographical Features

Hello my name is Maria Jose and on this blog I am going to talk about Geographical Features. Geographical features are landforms, ecosystem or human settlements, the human settlements are artificial geographical features and landforms or ecosystem are natural geographical features.Some examples of natural geographical features are:Volcanoes, mountains, rivers etc. And of artificial are:Chinese wall, Chichen Itza pyramids etc.

First lets understand what are natural geographical features, these is divide by two different types of natural geographical features:Landforms an ecosystems lets define this two terms.A landform is a surface form in a specific location, this are categorized by the location, elevation, type of soil, the objects that have.A ecosystem is a kind of biome were living things are located and their interact among them.

Now lets understand what are artificial geographical features, these are all the settlements or important structures that identify a specific area.
All natural Geographical Features are formed differently, the causes are similar:The movement of the tectonic plates, when the tectonic plates move, it create a movements on the earth’s surface, this movement create a different type of landform or ecosystem.

Some characteristics of natural geographical features are:It has land and soil, animal and plant life and weather and temperatures.

The artificial geographical features are made to represent an specific area, it is made to recognize a country, a city or an specific place.

Some characteristics of artificial geographical features are:It has something to express, how money is exchanged and where people settled.

This are some geographical features and some information:


Mountains:A mountain is a landform that it extend to the sides and up, the causes of the creation of a mountain are an eruption of a volcano and the magma creates a new landform and some movements of the tectonic plates.

Rivers:A river is an course made of water that takes the water into a sea, ocean or lake, the rivers are on the groups of hydrological cycle.


Eiffel Tower:It is a tower designed by Gustave Eiffel on 1887-89, it was created for a World’s fair.The tower is meters 324 tall, the upper platform is 270 meters tall, it is a geographical feature because it represents a place.

Golden Gate bridge:It is a bridge with the measure of long of 2.737, it was begin on the 1933 and end on the 1937, it is a wonder of the modern world, this bridge represents San Francisco,California.

This is my personal opinion,I did not now about geographical features I only say the name of the natural geographical feature, I also did not now that are artificial geographical features I now until I was like on the half of the project.

I think that it is important to now how to call the things and to now how the things were created not to only now what are the things,I learn new things on this project now I now how to call the landforms that are made by the nature and how to call the landforms or monuments that are made by humans.

My opinion is that this I would use it on my daily life or on the school, some examples are on projects and when I see a geographical feature I would now how it was created, and why.First I do not like the theme but now I think it is interesting to now about the process or history of the things.

My favorite part was when I write about some examples of the geographical features because I understand more the theme because with the examples I give an idea to myself.

My favorite geographical feature is the Golden Gate bridge because I was surprised about the measurements and the little bit time it takes to do it, I also did not now that it was a wonder of the modern world.

So for me geographical features are landforms or ecosystem that are striking and it is made bye the human or the nature.

Then  for me natural geographical features are the landforms that the earth do by the movements of the tectonic plates, maybe it is not directly the cause of the tectonic plates but if you start to think why it pass a thing that create the geographical features maybe are the tectonic plates.

Finally for me artificial geographical features are big monuments or landforms created by humans  that represent a country or an specific place.

What I like the most of the mountains is that there can be created by two ways and I think the other way was impossible, the way is that it creates with an volcanic eruption.

What I like the most of the river is that it use the hydrological cycle,I did not now what it is it and I investigate and I think it is interesting.

What I like the most of the Eiffel Tower was that the tower was for a World’s fair, I mean it has an specific reason to construct it.

And finally what I like the most about Golden Gate bridge like I say it before was the measurements and the little bit time it takes to do it.

So I like a lot the topic, I learn new things and I would not like that my topic was something that I already now, I like to learn new things and to practice my ability to right and yo investigate.

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