lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Geographical Features 7B

Hello My name is Emilio Martinez Riera,and I am going to talk about Geographical Features.

Geographical features are man-made or naturally-created features of the planet.
Natural geographical features are basicly landforms and ecosystems.For example terrain types and physical factors are natural geographical features.


There are two different ways to define an habitat.An ecosystem is an habitat were all living things interact with them and with their enviroment.But Biomes have a large amount of all geographical features all over the world.A biome is a dessert ,rain forest or also grassland.One definition of ecosystem is" any comunity that gives all the organism in an given area to interact with the physical enviroment,so that makes energy flow in a life cycle structure."
A biome is classified depending to the most common vegetation and by the adaptation of all organisms.Biomes are defined such as plant stuctures,leafe types,plant spacing,and climate.


A landform comprises a geomorphogical unit,and it is identified ny its surface,location and phisical features in the landscape,as part of the terrain,and it is also an element of topography.Lanforms characteristics are the height,orienation,slope,stratification,rock exposure,and finally type of soil.
Some examples of landforms are hills,canyons,cliffs,valleys,rivers,berms and mounds.A body of water is a significant cuantity of water,that usually covers the Earth.The term "body of water" refers to oceans,seas,and lakes but it also includes smaller pools, such as ponds,creeks and wetlands. Rivers, streams and canals are other geographical features were water can move from one location to an other location.

Artificial geographical features.

A settlmen is a permanent or temporal little comunity in wich people live.Settlements range in size from a very small number grouped all over big urbanized areas.
Engenered Buildings
These are the most comon man-made geographical features like higways,bridges,streets,houses,water DAM(presas)

Personal Opinion

I think this is a very intersting subject to work because it is a kind of combination of all I already know,and with a lot of new things,for example I have studied Biomes before but not this much,also now I know that there are a lot of definitions for ecosystem.
I learned that geographical features are not only natural,there are alse man-made features.There are a lot of things that I need to learn,but, with this I am exited to keep investigating about our world's geography.
This was the best project I have had in this class for years and now I am exited to the next Bimester's project!
I am Emilio Martinez and this was Geographycal features.

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