sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

Climate Change

Hello! My name is Sebastián Hernández and I am going to talk about the Climate Change

Climate Change is the distribution of weather patterns for long periods of time from decades to millions of years. Climate Change refers specially to the changing in the average patterns in long- time periods changing to colder or to hotter.

The principal factors of Climate Change may be: biotic processes, variations in in solar radiation, the plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, but the most common factor recently will be the human activities like using the car, the production of factories, throwing trash to ocean and contaminating air, etc.

There are 2 types of causes affecting the Climate Change:
  • Natural causes
  • Human causes

Natural causes

There are 2 principal natural causes that change the climate: volcanic activity and solar output. This 2 important factors could make a lot of damage in very long time periods (millions of years), but also this 2 factors help maintain a balance on Earth´s climate.

Human causes

The most of the Climate Change is caused by human activities: like driving, all the trash, the burning of fossils, the use of petroleum, deforestation for buildings, etc. The human activities have made an environmental impact to the the Earth realizing various substances to the Atmosphere, altering the Greenhouse Effect causing the Global Warming.

Effect and Consequence

In this case the Natural causes will not affect because they're the ones that maintain a balance on Earth´s climate.

There are 3 types of pollution that can affect Earth:
  • Air pollution
  • Land pollution
  • Water pollution

Air pollution refers to all the air contamination by smoke, CO2, and all the substances that can stay enough time in a certain concentration to affect weather or human comfort affecting Earth´s atmosphere.

There are 3 effects of Air pollution:
  • Acidification
  • Eutrophication
  • Ground- level zon
Acidification: (Acid rain) are the toxic substances that get released  into air going to clouds and affecting the rain causing environmental impacts.

Eutrophication: is when there is acid rain gets to water bodies making that algae grows making harmful and difficult to live for other organisms

Ground-level zone: This is a Chemical reactions with air pollutants that make gas ozone (O3). The people, animals and vegetation can be affected.

Land pollution refers to any kind of destruction or bad modification to Earth´s land.

There are 3 types of Land pollution:
  • Solid waste
  • Pesticides and fertilizers
  • Chemicals
  • Deforestation
Solid waste is all the kind of rubbish we make at home, school, hospitals, markets, and workplaces.

Pesticides and fertilizers is all the farming activity applications to get more food,but this has little chemicals that affect soil and crops.

Chemicals are all the wastes of factories made by producing fertilizers, pharmaceutics, etc.

Deforestation Is the massive cuting of trees for social places, buildings, power plants, and others.

Water pollution is when pollutants get directly to water bodies without an adequate treatment. 

There are 8 types of Water pollution:
  • Nutrients Pollution
  • Surface water pollution
  • Oxygen Depleting
  • Ground water pollution
  • Microbiological
  • Suspended Matter
  • Chemical Water Pollution
  • Oil Spillage

Nutrients Pollution happens when fertilizers get to water bodies with nutrients that makes algae to grow making water to have no oxygen and die.

Surface water pollution  is when there is land pollution that gets to touch the water bodies.

Oxygen Depleting The water have micro-organisms and when biodegradable matter gets to water bodies makes that the micro-organisms grow using more oxygen ending up with water.

Ground water pollution When humans apply fertilizer they get to deep water underground the land an it contaminates.

Microbiological Sometimes there are water bodies with viruses or micro-organisms, this cause that fishes and other living things die.

Suspended Matter This is when there are pollutant matter that do not disolves in the water going to the deep waters making water animals to die.

Chemical Water Pollution This is all the chemicals that industries and farmers use to control weeds, insects and pests. This ends up all the water and kills all the organisms in it.

Oil Spillage is when the boats spill the oil and spreads many miles killing many animals.

Personal opinion

I think that this of the Climate change is very bad because since the beginning  we could prevent it from getting bigger.

Also this is making us to live less just because the air we breathe that is killing us with al the contamination and pollution on the air. Also the water because of all the in the world only the 2% is usable and drinkable for humans, and each time we are using more water that the one we need.

One of the worst effects of the Climate change is the Global Warming that is making that the poles get melted killing lots of species, and putting in extinction danger a lot of species that are not even near of extinction danger, and this is what could happen if we keep like this.


So in conclusions the only thing that we are doing right now with the Climate Change is damaging ourselves and killing lots of animals an even species with all the pollution and contamination that we could prevent from the beginning and that we could stop from getting bigger of what it is right now, and in someway make smaller the problem or fix it a little bit to stop killing animals and species.










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