viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016



What is location ?

Location is the exact description of where something is located. Every place on the Earth has an specific location, we use maps to find specific locations they are different types of maps that show different things.

For example, when you drive of one place to another, it means that you already are in a different location. It exist many types of things that helps you to arrive to another place for example a map, a GPS and many other things.


Types of things that help you to guide:

What is a map ?

A map is like a big type of a paper and it has all the continents with the way to arrive to another place. For example: you are in California and you want to go to Florida and you don't know so you can buy a map for guide you.

What is a GPS ?

The word GPS means Global Positioning System and are satellites that circle the earth and shows you any place were someone or something is located or ubicated.

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