lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Weather is changes we see and see outside from day to day.It might rain one day and be sunny the next day.Sometimes is hot.Weather also chang place to place.

People in one place might be wearing shorts and playing outside,at the same time people are away might be shoveling snow. 

Earth rigid crust is made up of enormus pieces called tectonic plates.These plates vary in size and shape.They also in the amount they move over the more flexible layer of the muntle below them.Heat from deep within the planet causes plates move.This movement happens so slowly that humans dont feel it.But some of earth plates move as much as a few inches each year.

This might not seem like much ,but over millions of years ,it causes the plates to move thousand of miles.

Movement of surface plates changes earth surface features very slowly.It take millions of years for pleates to move enouhg to create lond forms.Some land features form when pleates are crashed together.At time forces within earth push the edge of one plate up over the edge of a plate beside it,this dramatic movement can create mountains,volcanoes and deep treaches in the ocean floor.

At another times,plates are crushed together in a way that causes the edges of both plates to crumble and break.This event can form jugged mountain ranges.If plates of the ocean floor move apart,the spaca between them widens into a giant crack in earth crust.

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