lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

How geography is important in our lifes.

How is Geography important in our lives.                               Oct/17/2016

Hi, i'm Jonathan Reiner. My school is CEM and my group is 7-B. I'm a Mexican American 13 year old kid that lives in Guadalajara Mexico, my blog will be about the importance of Geography in our lives.

Geography is something pretty important in our lives, there are some objects or shows that are usefull and have to do with our daily lives. Some of those objects are...
GPS, this objects can be helpfull to se were you are,or see how to get to a certain place you want to get to.

Maps, maps can be used in your cellphone, tablet, computer etc. Maps are more basic version of a GPS, and they serve almost all of the same functions.

Transist aplications are used to see if there is a traffic jam or too many cars on a freeway, rode, street, etc.

Weather shows, weather shows are used to se how the weather will look in feature days or how the weather will be later on that same day.

Changing houses, changing houses have to a lot with location which is a big factor of Geography so it puts changing houses on our list.

This were just a few out of the many things that have to do with Geography and the most common. Now that we have seen a few every day things that have to do with Geography, lets get more into Geography it's self. Geography's definition is "The study of Earth's landscapes, people places and environments." That gives us a better idea of what Geography is, we can see that in the definition it sayes that people also have to do with geography, a very common mistake is to think that humans  do not have anything to do with Geography. As we can see at the begining of the blog humans have invented some usefull objects that have to do with Geography like the GPS, maps or transit aplications.

Now we can see how Geography can be usefull in our lives. By the Human creations or by the facts we just saw.


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