lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016


Group: 7°A
Name: José Carlos Fregoso Inda.
Date: October 18 , 2016

Natural Element

Natural element also called physical geography is the branch of the natural science that means that the four spheres of the earth that are geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere belongs to the natural element that means that the natural element is the root of the life. But what are the four spheres of the Earth?
First is Geosphere or can be called too lithosphere is the all solid things of the earth like rocks and minerals, lithosphere is too the crust and the upper mantle of the Earth.
The biosphere is all the live things in the earth that means the animals, the humans, the ecosystem and all that.

The atmosphere is a layer of the earth that is surrounded of the Earth. The gravity of the Earth is very high but the gravity of atmosphere is low that is why we don't float.

But what happen is we keep making pollution and destroying the world?
This is a graph that represent what we are making of our world.
The red means the things with pollution, the blue the things that area not with pollution and the green acceptable conditions.
That means that we do not realize what we are making with or beautiful, the most of the people worry of the economic or politic things and doesn’t matter what happen of the nature.

That is why the natural element or physical geography is the most important element of our lives.

I search in internet how the atmosphere is affect and I find somethings that is really amazing.
That is how we are destroying our atmosphere.

I think that if we continue like that we will destroy all the world just like we know it. That is why we have to realize that we have to save the world if we want that our grandsons live well.
That is why we have to use the 3 R. That are recycle, reuse and reduce. You can reuse when something like a bottle you can reuse it filling again. You can recycle giving the sheets of paper that we don’t use and give it to the companies for recycle. You can reduce using bags of cloth for the supermarket.

REDUCE                            REUSE                            RECYCLE


So I think that we have to save our world if we want to live well.

Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition, by M. Pidwirny, 2006
Jump up ^ Pidwirny, Michael; Jones, Scott (1999–2015). "Physical Geography".
Jump up ^ Marsh, William M.; Kaufman, Martin M. (2013). Physical Geography: Great Systems and Global Environments. Cambridege University Press.
Jump up ^ Eratosthenes (2010). Eratosthenes' "Geography". Fragments collected and translated, with commentary and additional material by Duane W. Roller. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-14267-8.

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