martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

GPS proyect of geography

                                 THE GPS 

                                            By: Nathalia Michelle Basulto Margarito 7A
                                                                      WHAT IS A GPS?

It is a system that allows you to see the whole Earth, the position of someone or something with an accuracy up to centimeters, but are not as accurate. The system was developed by the United States Department of Defense to determine the positions. The GPS system has 24 satellites help and uses trilateration. The GPS is supported by a network of 24 satellites in orbit on the Earth, the satellites ar synchronized paths to cover the entire surface of the EarthIn reality, they needed at least 4 satellites to determine our position correctly, but let's leave that for later.

Each satellite transmits a signal which is received by the receiver, this, in turn measures the time it takes signals to reach it. Multiplying the measured time by the signal speed (the speed of light), we obtain the receiver-satellite distance (Distance = Speed ​​x Time).

However the satellite positioning is not that simple. Get precise measurement of the distance is not an easy task.                              
The distance can be determined through wave modulated codes sent by the satellite (C / A codes and P), or by analysis of the carrier wave. These codes are complicated. The receptor was prepared so that only those codes and decode any more, he is thus immune to interference from natural or intentional sources. This is one reason for the complexity of the code.            

the origins of this system must be placed in the field of defense of the United States of America. Department of Defense was in which developed and installed, and currently operates the system.

                                                            THE GPS FOR THE CAR

This allows drivers to use a very useful support when driving alone, especially when they are in cities or routes that had never happened and you do not know. GPS normally carry voice control for drivers are then easier to control when driving, this system keeps the driver's eyes on the road or path which is very convenient, if it finds a copilot, this can manually control as he says the says the driver directions.

                                                            THE HISTORY OF GPS

After World War II, the Defense Department efforts to find a solution to the problem of accurate, absolute positioning. It was several projects and experiences for 25 years. All possible to determine the position but were still limited is the accuracy or functionality. In the beginning of the '70s, a new project was proposed, the GPS.

The GPS has three components: the special, the control and user.


                                                TRIANGULATION OF SATELLITES

Although it may seem improbable, the general idea behind GPS is to use satellites in space as reference points for locations here on earth.

This is achieved through a very, very accurate, measuring our distance from three satellites, allowing us to "triangulate" our position anywhere on earth.

Let's forget for a moment about how our GPS said distance measured. We will see. Consider first as the measurement of these distances allow us to position ourselves at any point of the earth.

The big idea, Geometrically, is:

Suppose we measure our distance to the first satellite and found to be 11,000 miles (20,000 Km)

Knowing that we're 11,000 miles from a given satellite can not, therefore, be anywhere in the universe, but this limits our position to the surface of a sphere having that center satellite and whose radius is 11,000 miles.


Our position is calculated based on the measurement of distances to satellites
Mathematically away four measurements are needed to satellites to determine the exact position
In practice our position is resolved with only three measurements if we can rule out ridiculous answers or use certain tricks.
It requires however a fourth measurement for technical reasons that we shall see.

                                                  THE GPS IN THE SMATH PHONES

Smart phones have displaced traditional GPS navigators designed for cars. With its popularization, the "smartphones" have allowed each person has a tool to guide easy, intuitive, and as a great asset, their constant updating.
                                                          THE PROCEDURE

The system is supported by at least 4 satellites, which send signals in order to identify the position and the clock of each. Thus, and according to these signals, the clock synchronizes sistea to calculate the time it takes to return to the team. And all this is done in seconds. After this operation, the system coordinates and grab handles, using software, to signal on a map once found the exact three-dimensional position are returned. One of its best features is that it works continuously and in any weather conditions.

                                              GPS IS FREE,  WHY?

Oddly enough, it is free, it is all business. If we focus, for example, in the GPS, which owns the Government of the United States, the way money is made is in the whole chain of actors who benefits from the satellite system: browser makers, mapping companies , application developers ... in the end, the fact that the use of GPS is free has generated an entire industry that moves millions of dollars and jobs.
                                                        MY OPINION

my opinion on this is that it is very interesting because the know how GPS works, because the GPS and stuff will think, but what most caught my attention is the why they did it for free, this topic is interesting when investigate about, that at first glance does not attract attention.

The GPS has pros and cons as:

pros: with GPS tracker cell, the 911 can help as they track you with that if you were kidnapped or something, can they find time ge

Location of places: go to a specific place without knowing how to reach him.
antitheft system: the GPS built into a device ensures your location in case of loss or theft.

Speaker: thanks to its built-in speaker can speak and indicate where we have to go to get to the right place.

Applications: Most GPS that exist in the market have included numerous applications such as calculator.

Easy to upgrade: stop update and add new maps or modifications just connect to the Internet and obtain update packages.

Detailed information: You can display various information about the journey as the distance remaining, fuel costs, the approximate arrival time, etc.

High power consumption: GPS generates a high power consumption.

radioactive waves: emits radioactive waves that can become harmful to health by prolonged use of GPS.

GPS updated: it is necessary to always have the GPS updated to avoid problems of new roundabouts, blocked roads, road works, etc.

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