The elements of a map they are very important because we guide in the symbols of the map that are the elements like the arrow that says to were you need to go in the map or the scale line that is to tell you how big or how little is the map of were you are example a little map is 1/3 scale line.
The map elements, with can be a north arrow south west and east, the size and position of the elements.the elements name is very important to because without the name you can’t now were you are or to were you go, like the pictures you need that element to now to what hotel or to what place you are going or the data you can’t now about the place you are going to go.The title can help you to now were you are of the continent the state and more thing
A north arrow is a map element is a element very important in the map without the north arrow you will lose.A north arrow help you to now a connection to a data frame when a data frame moves to one side the north arrow moves to the side data frame moves and like that respectively.The properties of north arrow are style size color an angle.
The scale bars provides a visual and features indication that help you to see the distance between something.A scale line or bar divide into parts and labeled with its with its ground length usually in multiples of a map you can find it into hundreds or thousands of kilometers in the map.If the map is very large they reduce the scale bar because it is more correct.When you add a scale bar to a map the length and lines of a map are not exactly like you want them that’s why you need to be very exact and precise in how to do your map.
The scale of a map can also be represented by the scale text it is the same but with a written context in there.The scale text can be represented by a map reader how many grounds units can be represented by a unit.The scale text also can be represented by a number and two points so we can now what number of scale it is the map scale text..
Tell you what is the name of the elements of a map and this is very important because with this you can now all the elements that we have in the map and we have to now all the elements to now how to use a map if you don’t now how to use a Lengend you will not now how to use a howl map.
In my opinion you need to now all the maps elements because in case that you lose or you go to another city or country you will have a map and we need to now the scale map the legend the scale text and north arrow are some of the elements that you will need to now to use a map so you will be an expert in the maps and you can go to any part of the world with a map.
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