lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016


The compass is a instrument of orientation that use geography directions the compass has four directions north,south,east and west.The history of a compass has extended back for more than 
2000 years the first compass where made of lodestone a natural magnetized of ore and iron in Han dynasty China between 300 and 200 BC.The compass letter was used to navigate and they used dirtier mining directions of the earth.The most familiar type of compass is the magnetic compass.
The basic parts of a magnetic compass are the needle , a thing pice of a magnetic metal,the dial,a circular card printed with directions , and the housing ,which holds the other parts in a place.
That is an example of a compass.but now in days we use gps and we navigate in internet and we can go to our destiny more easly and more fast in the days of the compass the navigators of the cruisers need a compass to go for her destiny now in our days have a gps that say us where is the place we go.
That is a gps now in days are a lot of types of ps but this is an example of a phone gps or car also are a voice that say where you need to go to de left or right or also who many meters left to your destiny

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