lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Ground station , by Leonardo Schmidt Cano


The ground station is one antena programed or controlled by satellites that is used to identify things like: gps or other things.


That is one of all thet you can find in all the world.

Añso you can defined by a terrestial radio station designed for extraplanetary telecommunication with spacecraft. (1)

is one of the many things to comunicate between us like by facebook , twitter , wathsapp and many others places , without this ground station we can be connected with the satellites of the sapce or withe the astronautes that loves in space.

Also NASA uses the ground station for the vision of the correts that goes to the moon or like the robot that goes to Mars also they can see the photographs of the things that the robot see.

When a satellite is within a ground station's line of sight, the station is said to have a view of the satellite . It is possible for a satellite to communicate with more than one ground station at a time. (2)

A pair of ground stations are said to have a satellite in mutual view when the stations share simultaneous, unobstructed, line-of-sight contact with the satellite.(3)

All the web pages of images in live of earth or of live airplines , boats , or cars are controlled by ground station , also there are space statios that are were the astronautes are living in space , were also they do they work.

This is the international space station.

The ground station recives signal for the sattelites and the consumesrs recive signal from the ground station.

Thanks for seeing my essay of griund station. :D


2 comentarios:

  1. while you did that, others broke our heads to write much more than what you wrote, you should add things
