martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Hi my name is Carlo and today, I am going to show you all about planispheres. About what are they or what are their function in this world?  So I hope you enjoy and here we go.

What are planishperes?
It is representation of our world just like a map. Yes its that simple. There are many types of planisheres or representation in this case.

Types of planishperes :
Of the rivers of the world
The oceans
The countries ( our traditional map )
The city, if its an specific place of course. Ex: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Chiapas , etc…

Planishpheres can help you in many ways like being stuck in some type of road trip ad you don’t know where to go, just take out your google maps or even a physical one that in this case needs to be a planishphere of the roads of the place you need to go. It may also help you by locating you in the world, how ? By telling you how to go or what’s the best road to take.

Physical planispheres aren’t used so often now at days, people are buying more and more cell phones each day and that cell phone they buy has an app that can specifically tell you where are you. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing to do or use of course I’m just saying that there used to be more physical maps of planispheres back at days.  

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