martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

international space station

The international space station

Hello my name is Alex Cristian Avila Jiménez and today I will talk about the international space station for my project of geography.

The international station is the station that the earth launch throught our planet to be at the atmosphere of the planet watching for experiments or observating the earth.

They almost watch some messages that people send it to the astronauts and they do things or experiments that happens in Gravity 0.

They almost happens that astronauts have to go to the atmosphere with a walk machine that are especially for their use cause if they comeback to earth they will not walk cause there bones and lengths
 will be non functional.

I imagine be there will be a not easy work cause, think how do it will be, is easy but be there? Will be difficult.

Obviously the astronauts couldn't eat him selves or have infinite food but each determinate time the astronauts move like an arm of the space station and grab like a little rocket with food that the earth station send to him.


The food, the food is dehydrated especially for the astronauts and they have like a machine to hydrate it and could eat it as a normal person in his house would do.

In the international space station obviously there is not air so they use machines and maybe plants to can breath.

There is a lot of people that maybe have the dream to go to spacle by a astronaut or maybe doing things similar for example me,  but
the possibility to a normal person to be an astronaut is to small cause there is no only to say, hey I want to go to space , and you go, no , is a lot of work, a lot of studying and learning, but there existthe probability to start studying to go space.

Films if you are curious you have see that people in space or satellites take amazing photos or take pictures of the astronauts
 making experiments, working, or in some cases just playing.

Imagine be there, imagine not sound in some point will be desesperante be on the no sound and didn't hear nothing, only the voice yours or of your partner.

I think bing there will be a difficult work cause as I already say you need a lot of preparation and you most be prepared to any situation and imagine all the things that do the astronaut have to do and the difficult descicions that can change the destiny of live or death.

As a expert astronaut you must have all the knowledge of theinterruptores and what do each thing do what,but there are not only be a astronaut, that is an difficult work, you must have to be there for a lot of time and survive with the food that the earth station give to you.

In my opinion be a astronaut of the international space station will be difficult and imagine be there your life will not be as simple asmaybe was it will be a live on a house floating almost in space.

I think an astronaut need to be capacítate to learn all of what to do 

on the space station and almost be prepared mentally cause I think 
know that all your live,family,partners,maybe depend on you and inits moment you depend on the machine..

Look at this astronaut /\ Do you think he was scared? I think that 
the answer is yes, cause I'll be scared and maybe people think like me, to visualise what is the situation with they are think that as an astronaut you need things to live as food water and the normal things, but be there? And almost be there for maybe a lot of time.Will be not easy.


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